Turkey at the Sedgwick County Fair, Hutchinson, KS

I’ll bring the pie

Thanksgiving wasn’t an official holiday until President Lincoln made it that way in 1863. Americans have a lot to be thankful for, even though the state of our country isn’t perfect. But beyond the borders of country lines, Christ-followers have a lot to be thankful for. No matter where we are today, no matter what country we’re living in now, one thing that so amazes and excites me is that everyone who follows Christ has a permanent home in heaven, where all of us have our true citizenship.

So, Christ-follower, no matter what kind of situation you’re dealing with right now, just remember that you have God’s grace in your life. Take a moment to celebrate, even if it’s just a few seconds to acknowledge who God is and what He’s done for you. He deserves it. He’s worth it.

May everyone have a truly blessed Thanksgiving, whether you’re American or not. And one day we’ll all be able to have a giant feast of thanksgiving together in eternity.

I’ll bring the pie. =)

Psalm 100

Turkey at the Sedgwick County Fair, Hutchinson, KS

Turkey at the Sedgwick County Fair, Hutchinson, KS

Shout with joy to the Lord, all the earth!
Worship the Lord with gladness.
Come before him, singing with joy.
Acknowledge that the Lord is God!
He made us, and we are his.
We are his people, the sheep of his pasture.
Enter his gates with thanksgiving;
go into his courts with praise.
Give thanks to him and praise his name.
For the Lord is good.
His unfailing love continues forever,
and his faithfulness continues to each generation.